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Holiday Window 2013: The Making of...

Right now I am remembering to stop and take a deep breath … there I did it.

Remembering to breathe is something I have a hard time with in the month of December. Between getting Custom Holiday Card designs printed and out the door  stressing over Holiday inventory to chauffeuring the kids to their various winter activities, it is a nutty flurry (or blizzard rather) of activity. Last Sunday, the temps outside reached a record 25 below and I must admit I was totally psyched to spend an entire day in my pajamas. It was a welcome calm, like the eye of the great hurricane that is my life during the “most wonderful time of the year” the holiday season.

Last week Amy and I finished our 6th Holiday Window display. We spent a little over a week painting, cutting, drawing!, and burning the midnight oil. Arguably, we should start this a little bit earlier, but in truth we work better under pressure, despite the resulting dark circles under the eyes … this little elf could use some of that “long winters nap”!

Pass the Rum Egg Nog.