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Engraving & Noteworthy Digital Printing: Deliciously Deco

I have to admit I was a bit skeptical when one of our brides came to me with a print out of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book Flappers and Philosophers. She said: “I am getting married in Vegas and want my wedding invitation to look like the cover of this book”. The book is gorgeous. I just wasn’t sure if we could reproduce that look without being able to actually print metallics. We ended up printing black on gold Envelopments paper and using it as a backer for a breathtaking layered look. The actual invitation in the center was engraved by Crane & Co. on beautiful 100% cotton black paper. In order to cut costs a bit, all the enclosure pieces were flat printed in-house on the same gold paper as the backer, including the address labels. As a final touch the envelopes were hand written by our local calligrapher Ann Franke.